

程序分析理论 数据流分析(一)



数据流分析 Data Flow Analysis

定义方式及可计算性验证 Define mode and computability verification


下图为一个示例。依旧以上一篇文章中的代码为例,转化为流程图则如 Figure 1所示

Figure 1

和上一篇文章中描述程序的方法类似,[ ]将表达式包裹,右上角为标签,除此之外多了表示逻辑关系的箭头以及简单的标记 如(yes or no)来确定分支。

接下来,为了让分析器能够获取信息,我们将流程图转化成一系列方程,来将代码逻辑关系用数学的方式表示出来。依旧延续着上一篇文章的定义原则。将一句代码划分为入口状态RD entry和出口状态RD exit 同时用形如 (v,l) 的表达式来定义关于v变量的改变。我们以第一句为例子做一个演示。原代码为 y = x 的一个赋值语句。RD exit(1) 就可以等价于 RD entry(1)中 y 的赋值语句 (y,l) 并上 此时y的赋值语句(y,1)。此时的 l 为在这一段代码开始之前的对于代码进行定义后的那个赋值语句的标签。而这个标签存储在 Lab 中。Lab是存储 l 的一个表格。完整的表示如图所示。

此时,我们将代码的本身数理结构表达清楚了,还要对语句之间的逻辑关系进行表达。即这一句代码的入口状态是哪一句代码的出口状态。我们可以简单的用形如RD entry (2) = RD exit(1)的方程进行定义。



预备知识 Preliminaries

半序集 partially ordered set



取一个半序集 L 的子集 Y ,存在 l 属于 L ,假设 任取一个 l' 属于 Y 满足 l' 包含于 l 那么将 l 作为上限。同样的 假设 任取一个 l' 属于 Y 满足 l 包含于 l‘ 则 l 为下限。当存在最大的下限和最小的上限时,就称他为有上确界和下确界。

完全格 complete lattice

格 是一种特殊的偏序集

完全格 是所有子集都有上确界和下确界的半序集

同时,完全格有一个定理 即 有上确界的半序集一定有下确界反之亦然。


1.满射 即 任意取L1中的一个元素对应的映射一定在L2中且一 一对应

2.如果 l包含于 l‘ 那么 f (l) 包含于 f (l')

3.f (l ∏ l') = f (l) ∏ f (l') 并集一样

4.f (ㄩ Y) = ㄩ’{f (l') | l' ∈ Y } 下限一样

构造完全格 constructure of complete lattice




​ L1 = (L1,с1) L2 = (L2,с2) --> L = L1 X L2 = { ( l1 , l2 ) | l1 ∈ L1 ^ l2 ∈ L2}

因为 L1 和 L2 都是完全格,都有上确界和下确界,所以 l1 和 l2 都有最小的最大值和最大的最小值。也就是说,对于L 存在( l1, l2 )是L 的上确界和下确界。


​ 我们定义L1 是完全格 ,S 是一个集合

​ L = {f : S -> L1 | f 是满射的}

​ 每一个属于S 的s都对应一个属于L1 的l1,也就是说新集合L 依旧有着上确界和下确界


​ L1是完全格,L2 是完全格 ,f是单调函数关系

​ L = {f :L1 -> L2 | f 是单调的}

​ 即L1 的上确界和下确界一一对应L2 的上确界和下确界,显然L也是完全格

链 chain





我们把所有定义的RD exit 和RD entry 作为参数定义一个函数关系 即 将一系列代码执行流程与某个位置的代码入口状况进行映射。

而所有的RD构成一个半序集,也就是说这个函数关系是满足我们刚刚提到的两个半序集的映射的。也就是说每一种执行流程对应不同结果,如果某个执行过程包含于另一个执行过程,那么 那个执行结果一定也包含于另一个执行结果。

所以我们可以做出下面的判断 :如果 RD exit(2) 包含于 RD' exit(2) 且 RD exit(5) 包含于 RD' exit(5) 那么 RD exit(2)∪RD exit(5)包含于RD' exit(2)∪RD' exit(5) 也就是说这个函数是单调函数。我们可以列出这样的关系式 F (RD) 包含于 F' (RD) 并且可以递进 。由于代码执行过程是有限可能的。所以存在某个n 使得F^(n+1) (RD) = F^n (RD)。当n取0时 即 RD = f (RD) 那么RD就是我们所找到的最小的解决方案。 他既包括了最终结果的可能值,也包括了一些不可能值,即 满足代码分析的近似解原则。所以关于上文的方程是可解的。

In data flow analysis, the first step is to transform the program into a flowchart.A flowchart includes blocks of code and the logical relationships between them.

An example is shown below.Take the code in the previous article as an example, and convert it into a flow chart, as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1

Similar to the way that describes program in the previous article, [] wraps the expression with a label in the upper right corner, along with logical arrows and simple markers such as (Yes or No) to identify branches.

Next, to enable the analyzer to capture the information, we convert the flowchart into a set of equations that mathematically represent the code logic.Still continue the definition principle of the last article.Divide a line of code into an entry state, RD entry, and an exit state, RD exit ,and define changes to the V variable with an expression of the shape (V, L).Let's do a demonstration with the first sentence as an example.The original code is an assignment statement for y = x.RD exit(1) is equivalent to the y assignment statement (y,l) in RD entry(1) and the y assignment statement (y,1) in RD entry(1).The L is the label of the assignment statement that defined the code before the start of the code.And this label is stored in the Lab.Lab is a table that stores L.The complete representation is shown in the figure.

At this point, we will express the code itself mathematical structure clearly. To express the logical relationship between the statements. We can simply define it with an equation of the form RD Entry (2) = RD Exit (1).

The above method of definition itself is easy to think , but we need to verify that the equations we provide are computable.

Verification of computability requires knowledge of semi-ordered sets and complete lattices


partially ordered set

A partial ordering is a relation that is reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric

A partially ordered set is a set with a partial ordering

If I take a subset Y of a partially ordered set l. l is a member of L, and if I take any l' that is a member of Y such that l' is included in l then we regard l as least upper bound.The same assumption is that if I take any l' that is a member of Y and l is included inl', l is greatest lower bound.When there is a greatest lower bound and a least upper bound, they are said to have upper and lower determinates.

complete lattice

Lattice is a special kind of partial ordered set

A complete lattice is a partial ordered set in which all subsets have upper and lower determinations

At the same time, perfect lattices have a theorem that a semi-ordered set with an upper bound must have a lower bound and vice versa.

The mapping relation of two semi-ordered sets has the following properties:

  1. Surjective means that the mapping corresponding to any element in L1 must be in L2 and one to one

  2. If L contains L 'then F (L) contains F (L ').

  3. F (L ') = F (L) ∏ F (L ') union

  4. F (ㄩ Y) = ㄩ '{f (l') | l '∈ Y} lower limit

Next, let's discuss the computability of the above equation

We define a functional relationship that maps a sequence of code execution flows to the code entry status at a location using all of the RD exits and RD Entry defined as parameters.

And all of RD's form a partial ordered set, which means that the relationship between the functions satisfies the mapping between the two partial ordered sets that we just mentioned.That is to say, each execution process corresponds to a different result. If one execution process is included in another execution process, then that execution result must also be included in the other execution result.

So we can make the following judgment:If RD exit(2) is included by RD' exit(2) and RD exit(5) is included by RD' exit(5), then RD exit(2)∪RD exit(5) is included by RD' exit(2) and RD' exit(5) . That means this function is monotone.We can set up the relation F (RD) which is contained in F' (RD) and can be progressive.Because the code execution process is limited.So there's some n where F^(n+1) (RD) = F^n (RD).When n is equal to zero . RD is equal to F (RD), then RD is the least solution that we've found.It includes not only possible values of the final result, but also some impossible values, which satisfy the approximate solution principle of code analysis.So the equation above is computable.

发布于2021-09-18 16:12:03
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